Based on the analysis of the intertemporal allocation theory of coal resources, this paper put forward that the optimal allocation of coal resources has abided by the famous "Hotelling theorem" from the micro perspective. To ensure the mining of coal enterprises keep going along stable growth or resource protection development path, we must also consider the negative externality of the exploitation and utilization of coal resources, the distribution of coal resources wealth and the using of revenue of coal resources. We must depend on the Government and the related systems to deal with these three issues effectively. From the macro point of view, main approaches to resolve the negative externality of resource economic problems are tax, the internalization of external problems and the explicitness of property rights, etc. The main problems of China's coal resources allocation include: 1) The interest distribution relationship has not been straightened out; 2) The related systems of coal resources allocation are inadequate; 3) The market system of coal resources allocation is not perfect; 4) The external problems of exploitation and utilization of coal resources have not been adequately considered. Therefore, to realize the intergenerational equity of coal resources, we need to rely on coal enterprises and market forces as well as governments and relevant systems. This paper has constructed an integrated government-guided and intertemporal allocation mechanism based on market allocation. And the policies required to carry out this mechanism include: 1) Implementing the national energy strategy planning; 2) Deepening the reform of the management system of coal resources; 3) Speeding up the construction of property right trade market of coal resources. There are three innovations in this paper: 1) It trys to set up a coal resources intertemporal allocation mechanism that can realize the intergenerational equity by integrating the factors from both microscopic (coal companies, coal market) and macro (government, relevant system) aspects; 2) It emphasizes the provincial government’s role of benefit spokesman to represent the regional social economic benefits of coal-rich provinces like Jin, Shan and Mong, etc. in the mechanism; 3) It brings the system of coal resources’intergenerational allocation utilization into the allocation mechanism as the benefit spokesperson of future generations, thus reflecting the intergenerational equity of coal resources allocation.
Resources Science
Coal resources
Intergenerational equity
Intertemporal optimizing
Sustainable development
Allocation mechanism