
不同土地利用方式下盘式吸渗仪测定土壤导水率方法比较 被引量:3

Comparative study on measuring soil water conductivity in different land use types by using disc infiltrometer
摘要 为了对比分析土地利用方式计算导水率方法适用性,利用盘式吸渗仪在林地、农地、苜蓿地进行了不同盘径和负压下土壤吸渗试验,并利用不同公式计算了土壤导水率。结果表明,有机质含量和容重较大的林地以及人为因素影响较大的农地,采用稳态流方法计算导水率比较合适,而对于土质较为均一的苜蓿地来说,采用瞬态流计算会省时省力,并得到较好的结果。因此,不同的土地利用方式应该采用不同的计算方法。 Tests were conducted by using different size of infiltrometer and negative hydraulic head to study the water conductivity in different land use types (woodland, farmland and blosomland). The results showed that, steady infiltration model and regression method are suitable for woodland which has more organic mater and bulk density and farmland which is greatly influenced by human activities, while transient infiltration model are more convenient and can get better results for the blossomland which is homogeneous. So different methods should be used for various land use types.
出处 《干旱地区农业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期94-98,共5页 Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas
基金 国家自然科学基金资助(51179150)
关键词 土地利用方式 盘式吸渗仪 土壤导水率 land use type disc infihrometer soil water conductivity
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