With the absolute soil water content controlled in different levels, a pot experiment was conducted to study the effects of water stress on physiological mechanism in Shinyleaf Yellowhorn (Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge ) seedling. The results showed that, under 13 % and 18% of absolute soil water content, the stress level of the branchs reached moderate stress and mild water stress, while the membrane permeability of leaf cell was 16% and 4% higher tnan that in the control; the content of soluble sugars was 2.3 and 1.2 times of that in the control, and the proline con- tent increased by 2l % and 8 % compared to that of the control ; the activity of SOD decreased slightly, 5 % and 3 % low- er than in the control respectively, but the activity of CAT decreased greatly, 83 % and 68 % lower than in the control re- spectively ; the content of MDA incresed by 44 % and 1% over that of the control. Water stress had serious negative in- fluence on the accumulation of the dry mass of shoot in Shinyleaf Yellowhorn seedling, and compared with the control, the dry weight decresed by 69 % and 84 % respectively; the dry weight of root decreased appreciably, by 95 % and 109 % compared with the control. It is concluded that Shinyleaf Yellowhorn has dought resistance to a certain extent, but it needs timely irrigation during the cultivation to ensure ecnomic output.
Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas
Shinyleaf Yellowhorn
water stress
physiological response mechanism