This paper taking typical protected soil which had planted vegetables for 20 years as research object,planting crops for tomatoes.Test site is located in Jianguo village of Daoli District,Harbin.Effect of different fertilization and improvement measures on soil pH,EC,salt accumulating and ion composition were studied,the relationship between them was analyzed.The results showed that,compared with local farmers traditional fertilization,fertilization by soil test,optimized fertilization,application KHm and Zeolite could improve soil pH,decrease EC and salinity,and the latest treatment had the best effect.It's soil pH,EC and salinity was similar to no fertilization,pH increased by 0.50 and 0.48 units,EC respectively reduced to 0.07 mS/cm and 0.21 mS/cm,salinity decreased by 10.94% and 29.84% respectively than before planting and farmers traditional fertilization.Ca2 + in anionic content was most,followed by Na+,and by SO2-4,followed by HCO-3 in this test protected soil.In reducing Ca2+,Na+ content,application KHm was better than that of Zeolite;Application Zeolite was better than that of KHm in reducing K+,HCO-3,Cl-,reducing SO2-4,Mg2+ effect was similar.Correlation analysis showed that EC and total salinity had significant linear positive relationship,pH and salinity take on significantly negative correlation in protected soil.It is necessary to improve protected soil and prevent excess accumulation of salt ion by reducing the amount of fertilizer and science reasonable applying ameliorant.
Northern Horticulture