呼伦贝尔草原的沙漠化土地现在多处于由 级向 级发展的阶段 ,有很大的发展潜力和危险性 ,必须对其进行综合整治。其主要成因是过度放牧 ,过度放牧不仅直接使砂质草原发生沙漠化 ,而且还严重影响天然樟子松的天然更新和扩展 ,因此必须对放牧进行科学的规划和管理。作者遵循地带性和非地带性相结合原则、发生学原则、主导性原则、与已有的相关区划相统一原则 ,把呼伦贝尔草原划分为 2个综合整治亚区和 5个综合整治小区 ,并提出了相应的综合整治对策。
The sandy desertified lands in Hulunbuir Steppe are now developing from grade Ⅱto grade Ⅲ, which are mainly caused by overgrazing, and have so large developing potential and danger that there is a necessity to rehabilitate the sandy desertified lands with comprehensive measures. Here, overgrazing not only desertifies vast stretches of sandy grassland seriously but also hinders the natural renewal and expansion of\% Pinus sylvestris\% var. \%mongolica\% strongly. Accordingly, it is necessary for grazing to be made a scientific plan and strict regulation. In the light of such principles as: ① combining the zonality with azonality, ② genesis, ③ dominance, ④ integrating the scheme into existing relative regionalization schemes, author divides the whole region into 2 subregions and 5 provinces of comprehensive rehabilitation, i.e. Ⅰ\ the comprehensive rehabilitation subregion with natural \%Pinus sylvestris\% var. \%mongolica\% \;Ⅰ\-1\ northern sanddune zone province\;Ⅰ\-2\ eastern sanddune area province\;Ⅰ\-3\ eastern section province of southern sanddune zone Ⅱ\ the comprehensive rehabilitation subregion without natural \%Pinus sylvestris\% var. \%mongolica\% \ \ Ⅱ\-1\ western sanddune zone province \ \ Ⅱ\-2\ the province of middle and western section of southern sanddune zone.\; Therefore, it is requisite to strengthen effective manipulation on natural renewal of \%Pinus sylvestris\% var. \%mongolica\%, to harness shifting sand at important sites, to promote grassland construction and corresponding regulation, to graze on divided areas rotationally and to strictly limit the cultivation for agriculture in province Ⅰ\-1; there is a necessity to strengthen scientific regulation on grazing, improve sandy desertified lands, manipulate the renewal and upbringing of those forest patches and fence them if necessary in province Ⅰ\-2; as for province Ⅰ\-3, the main tasks are to properly regulate the grazing on the meadow between the forests and increase artificial managing standard on the forest zone. The principal aims for province Ⅱ\-1 are to fence and rehabilitate serious sandy desertified lands intentionally, to build shelterbelts, to regulate grazing and construct intensive well managed grasslands; similarly, the main measures of comprehensive rehabilitation in province Ⅱ\-2 are fencing and transforming shifting sand dune, strengthening grassland construction and grazing regulation, rationaly exploiting the sandy grasslands in warm season and forbidding raising domestic animals in cities and towns.
Journal of Desert Research
Hulunbuir Steppe
sandy desertified lands
natural \%Pinus sylvestris\% var. \%mongolica\% forest
comprehensive rehabilitational regionalization