
Accounting for the =Subnational Penn Effect'--A General Theory of Regional and National Price Levels 被引量:3

Accounting for the =Subnational Penn Effect'--A General Theory of Regional and National Price Levels
摘要 As an extension of the neoclassical urban systems theory (Henderson, 1974), we develop a general theory of regional (inter-city) price dispersion which also explains the "subnational Penn effect," i.e., cross-city correlations among population size, prices, real income and human capital stock. The model is also a theory of international price dispersion that is observationally equivalent to and more appealing than the Balassa-Samuelson theory, implying that the (international) Penn effect may simply be an aggregate result of the "subnational Penn effect." Furthermore, it shows that, contrary to the popular view, economic integration can increase as well as decrease spatial price variation. As an extension of the neoclassical urban systems theory (Henderson, 1974), we develop a general theory of regional (inter-city) price dispersion which also explains the "subnational Penn effect," i.e., cross-city correlations among population size, prices, real income and human capital stock. The model is also a theory of international price dispersion that is observationally equivalent to and more appealing than the Balassa-Samuelson theory, implying that the (international) Penn effect may simply be an aggregate result of the "subnational Penn effect." Furthermore, it shows that, contrary to the popular view, economic integration can increase as well as decrease spatial price variation.
作者 Xiang Tang
机构地区 School of Economics
出处 《Frontiers of Economics in China-Selected Publications from Chinese Universities》 2012年第1期94-121,共28页 中国高等学校学术文摘·经济学(英文版)
关键词 regional price dispersion Penn effect Balassa-Samuelson urban systems regional price dispersion, Penn effect, Balassa-Samuelson, urban systems
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