
Sisterhood at the Nexus of Love and Revolution: Coming-of-Age Narratives on Both Sides of the Cold War

Sisterhood at the Nexus of Love and Revolution: Coming-of-Age Narratives on Both Sides of the Cold War
摘要 This article examines the similarities between Song of Youth and The Best of Everything, coming-of-age novels published in China and the United States in 1958. The author finds that comparable narrative structures reveal parallels in two societies that are often viewed in stark contrast. In both novels, a feminist ideal of sisterhood is woven into the coming-of age stories of young women moving into society, and in each novel, the social background of the times determines the degree to which mainstream values are conducive to imagining a public sphere that is welcoming to women. This article examines the similarities between Song of Youth and The Best of Everything, coming-of-age novels published in China and the United States in 1958. The author finds that comparable narrative structures reveal parallels in two societies that are often viewed in stark contrast. In both novels, a feminist ideal of sisterhood is woven into the coming-of age stories of young women moving into society, and in each novel, the social background of the times determines the degree to which mainstream values are conducive to imagining a public sphere that is welcoming to women.
出处 《Frontiers of Literary Studies in China-Selected Publications from Chinese Universities》 2012年第1期56-77,共22页 中国高等学校学术文摘·文学研究(英文版)
关键词 REVOLUTION FEMINISM popular fiction American literature Chineseliterature Yang Mo Rona Jaffe coming-of-age novel revolution, feminism, popular fiction, American literature, Chineseliterature, Yang Mo, Rona Jaffe, coming-of-age novel
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