[Objective] To understand the diet of hematodialysis patients and analyze the compositions of food and contents of nutrient to guide patients' rational diet, improve their nutritional status, and make them match clinical trenment preferablely. [Method] Use the diet records and 24h diet review to make a 3d diet investigation on the basis of Zhong Guo Shi Wu Cheng Fen Biao published in 2004 and 2009 to compute the everyday nutrient intake of hematodialysis patients and compare it with Food Nutriment Intake of Chinese Resident. [Result] Intake of grain, eggs , meat, milk, vegetables, fruits of most of hemodialysis patients was inadequate. Rice and grain was their main food, and the intake of food grain other than wheat and rice was less. They took pork as their main animal food but ate less marine product, eggs and milk. Energy, protein, macroelement (Ca, Mg, P, ect) and microelement (Zn, Fe, Cu, Se, Mn, ect) was insufficient in their nutrient intake. Vitamin B1, B: and Vitamin C fell short of requirement of RNI. [Conclusion] Diet intake of hemodialysis cases was generally not enough and dietary pattern was imbalance. We should adjust their food compositions according to individual information.
Food and Nutrition in China
dietary investigation