
香云纱面料碳足迹评价 被引量:11

Product carbon footprint(PCF) assessment of gambiered Canton silk
摘要 介绍了传统纺织面料香云纱全生命周期内的碳足迹评价方法,包括各生产阶段温室气体的排放计算方法和依据。结果表明,1米黑色桑蚕丝香云纱面料的碳足迹为1.88 kg CO_2e,温室气体排放主要集中在蚕茧养殖到缫丝的原材料阶段。 Product carbon footprint (PCF)assessment of gambiered Carbon silk is introduced, including the calculating meth- ods and basis of greenhouse gas emissions during different process stages. The results show that the total PCF has been determined to be 1. 88 kg CO2e per meter fabric, and most greenhouse gas emissions are produced during the raw materials stage.
出处 《印染》 北大核心 2012年第8期39-41,共3页 China Dyeing and Finishing
关键词 染整 丝织物 碳足迹 评估 dyeing and finishing silk fabric carbon footprint evaluation
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