
深水悬链复合锚泊线疲劳损伤计算 被引量:5

Calculation on fatigue damage of deepwater catenary hybrid mooring line
摘要 以某座Spar平台的锚泊系统为研究对象,首先利用三维绕射理论计算Spar平台主体波浪力,得到平台的总体运动响应时程。再建立复合锚泊线的二维非线性有限元动力分析模型,基于DelVecchio(1992)提出的经验公式,采用迭代的方法计算复合锚泊线的刚度。锚泊线和海床之间的接触作用基于刚性海床假定,基于Morrison公式计算锚泊线的惯性力和拖曳力荷载,根据计算得到的平台主体运动响应时程作为锚泊线顶端输入条件,在时域范围内进行复合锚泊线的动力分析。计算得到中国南海某海域各短期海况条件下复合锚泊线应力的时间历程曲线,采用雨流法对其计数得到对应于各短期海况条件下的疲劳载荷谱。最后根据Miner线性累积损伤模型,对复合锚泊线在长期海况条件下的疲劳损伤进行比较计算。 Take the mooring system of a Spar platform as the research object, the analysis of Spar platform response is carried out in which the wave force is calculated under diffraction theory.After the establishment of two-dimensional nonlinear finite element dynamic model of the hybrid mooring line, the calculation on stiffness of the hybrid mooring line is accomplished through the iterative method based on the empirical formula proposed by Del Vecchio in 1992. The mooring line and seabed interaction is based on the hypothesis of rigid seabed. The fluid drag force and inertia force on the mooring line are calculated according to the Morrison formula.The dynamic analysis is executed through time-domain nonlinear finite element method accounting for the response of the Spar platform which is calculated as above. The stress time histories of the hybrid mooring line in each short-term sea state of South China Sea area are calculated, and then the rain flow counting method is employed to obtain the fatigue load spectrum in each short-term sea state.The Miner linear cumulative law model is used to calculate the fatigue damage of the hybrid mooring line in long-term sea state which consists of tens of short-term sea states.
出处 《船舶力学》 EI 北大核心 2012年第4期422-432,共11页 Journal of Ship Mechanics
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划资助(2011CB013702 2011CB013703) 国家自然科学基金创新研究群体项目资助(50921001) 国家863计划项目(2006AA09A103 2006AA09A104)
关键词 聚酯纤维系缆 非线性有限元 时域分析 雨流计数 疲劳载荷谱 短期海况 累计损伤 polyester nonlinear finite element time-domain analysis rain flow counting fatigue load spectrum short-term sea state cumulative damage
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