
重庆市某医院住院患者抗菌药物使用情况调查 被引量:3

Investigation of Antibiotic Applications of Inpatients from a Hospital in Chongqing
摘要 目的:对重庆市某基层医院抗菌药物使用情况进行回顾性调查和合理性分析。方法:采用流行病学调查方法,收集重庆市某基层医院2010年5月-2011年6月内科系统和肿瘤科住院患者共10039例,以构成比和χ2检验对病例抗菌药物使用情况进行统计、分析。结果:10039份病例中共有5026名患者(50.16%)使用抗菌药物,其中治疗用药3584例(占71.17%),预防用药1452例(占28.83%),以神经内科和肿瘤科预防用药例数最高。联合用药2622例(占52.06%),其中二联用药1695例(占33.66%)。应用频率最高的抗菌药物是左氧氟沙星。结论:该院住院患者抗菌药物整体使用情况基本合理,但在联合用药、预防用药上仍存在进一步改进空间。 OBJECTIVE:To do retrospective investigation and rational analysis of antibiotic applications in a community hospital of Chongqing.METHODS:A retrospective survey method was used to collect 10 039 copies of medical records about antibiotic drugs from the inpatients of internal medicine and oncology in a community hospital of Chongqing during the period of May 2010 to June 2011 and constituent ratio and χ 2 test were taken to evaluate the rationality of antibiotic applications.RESULTS:5 026(50.16%)in 10 039 inpatients had taken antibiotics;among them the number of patients using antibiotics for therapeutic purpose or preventive medication was 3 584(71.17%)and 1 452(28.83%),respectively.The later mainly came from neurological and oncological departments.2 622 patients(52.06%)took more than 2 antibiotics in combination use,among them 1 695 cases(33.66%)used 2 antibiotic drugs at same time.The top antibiotics used in this hospital was levofloxacin.CONCLUSIONS:The antibiotic applications in this hospital is normal,but it is necessary to further improve the combination therapy and preventive medication of antibiotics.
出处 《中国药房》 CAS CSCD 2012年第16期1504-1506,共3页 China Pharmacy
关键词 抗菌药物 调查 合理用药 基层医院 Antibiotics Investigation Rational drug use Primary hospital
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