
反向高效液相色谱测定发酵液中的聚苹果酸 被引量:11

Determination of Poly(malic acid) in Fermentation Broth by RP-HPLC
摘要 采用高效液相色谱柱Alltima^TM C18(4.6mm×150mm,4μm)上定量测定发酵生产的聚苹果酸,流动相为乙腈和0.025mol/L磷酸二氢钾混合溶液(磷酸调pH2.5)(V:V=5:95),流速1.0mL/min,检测波长210nm,柱温25℃,进样量5μL。发酵液经离心除菌体、纯沉除多糖、水解处理后进样,可以将其中的L-苹果酸完全分离定量。采用液相方法的回收率为98.70%-100.65%,RSD为0.4-1.11%。采用试剂盒的方法的回收率为96.7-97.23%,RSD为0.57-1.19%。可见,液相的精确度和试剂盒相差不大。但液相的价格相对比试剂盒要便宜很多,说明该法是测定发酵液中聚苹果酸的一种很有效的方法。 For the detection of poly (malic acid) fermentation broth, a reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography method was developed. The samples was analyzed on a column of Alltima^TM C18 (4.6 mm× 150 mm, 4 μm) with a mixture of acetonitrile and 0.025 mobil KH2PO4 buffer (pH 2.5) (5:95, v:v) used as mobile phase at the flow rate of 1.0mL/min. The detection wavelength was 210 nm; the column temperature was 25 ℃ and the volum of injection was 5 μL. Before sampling, the fermentation broth was centrifuged to remove fungis, added with organic solvent to remove polysaccharide and hydrolysed. L-malic acid were completely separated and determined in 3 minutes. The recovery and relative standard deviation (RSD, n=3) of L-malic acid by RP-HPLC method were 98.70%-100.65%, and 0.40%-1.11%, respectively. The recovery and relative standard deviation (RSD, n=3) of L-malic acid by L-malic acid kit were 96.70%-97.23% and 0.57%-1.19%, respectively. The method was proved to be a effective way to determine the poly (malic acid) in fermentation broth. Key words: Reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography; Poly (malic acid); L-mailc acid kit
出处 《现代食品科技》 EI CAS 北大核心 2012年第4期453-455,452,共4页 Modern Food Science and Technology
基金 天津市高等学校科技发展基金计划(ZD200703) 科技部科技型中小企业技术创新基金(11C262111200191) 天津市科技型中小企业创新基金(10ZXCXSY10900)
关键词 反相高效液相色谱法 聚苹果酸 L-苹果酸试剂盒 Reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography Poly(malic acid) L-mailc acid kit
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