
耳后扩张皮瓣舒平术在扩张法外耳再造术中的应用 被引量:1

Application of postauricular expanded flap flattening in auricular reconstruction
摘要 目的 总结耳后扩张皮瓣舒平术在扩张法外耳再造中的应用.方法 自2003年1月至2006年10月,对出现耳后扩张皮瓣感染(13例)征象和扩张包膜内出现脓性分泌物或炎性肉芽肿(4例)的17例外耳再造患者,先采用耳后扩张皮瓣舒平术,3个月后再采用自体肋软骨支架外耳再造术.结果 本组17例患者,再造耳外观均良好,手术顺利.10例获随访,最长30个月,最短3个月,平均9个月,术后恢复好,与无感染者无明显差异.结论 耳后扩张皮瓣舒平术是外耳再造过程中出现扩张皮瓣受植床感染时的一项非常有效的处理方法. Objective To summarize the application of the method of postauricular expanded flap flattening in auricular reconstruction. Methods From January 2003 to October 2006, the method of postauricular expanded flap flattening was adopted to treat the 17 patients with infection of postanricular expanded flap ( 13 cases) and purulent secretion and infectious granuloma in the expanded envelope (4 cases), and then autogeneic costal cartilage framework was used to perform auricular reconstruction at 3 months. Results Auricular reconstruction was performed smoothly with good auricular appearance. Following up was performed in 10 cases for 3 to 30 months, and all cases were satisfied with the auricular appearances which were not different with ones without infection. Conclusion The method of postauricular expanded flap flatting is an effective treatment when the recipient bed is infected during the auricular reconstruction.
出处 《中国美容整形外科杂志》 CAS 2012年第4期201-203,共3页 Chinese Journal of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery
关键词 外耳再造 扩张皮瓣 舒平术 感染 Auricular reconstruction Expanded flap Flatting Infection
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