目的:建立HPLC法测定消肿止痛凝胶膏剂中盐酸巴马汀的含量。方法:色谱柱采用Kromasil C18柱(250mm×4.6mm,5μm);流动相:乙腈-0.03mol/L磷酸二氢钾(用磷酸调PH3.10)(25:75),检测波长:346nm;流速:1.0ml.min-1;柱温:30℃;结果:盐酸巴马汀进样量在0.04152~0.6643μg范围内线性关系良好(r=0.9999,n=6);平均回收率为100.1%,RSD=1.21%(n=6)。结论:所建立的方法准确、简便、快速,适用于消肿止痛凝胶膏剂质量控制。
Ojective: To establish an analytical method of determinating Palmatine Hydrochloride in Xiaozhong Zhitong Gel oint- ment by HPLC. Methods: Palmatine Hydrochloride in the eataplasm were separated by HPLC on Cis column (250mm × 4. 6μm, 5μm) with a aeetonitrile -0. 03mol · L^-1KH2PO4 (25:75) (Adjust pH to 3. 10 with H3 PO4 ) as mobile phase and detected at 346 nm. The flow rate was 1.0ml·min^- 1 and the column temperature was 30℃. Results: The calibration curves showed good linear over the range of 0. 04152 -0. 66431xg, (r =0. 9999, n =6 ) for Palmatine Hydrochloride, the average recovery rate were 100. 1% with RSD 1.21% (n =6). Conclusion: The method is simple, accurate, rapid and can be used to control the quality of the Xiaozhong Zhitong Gel ointment.
Chinese Journal of Ethnomedicine and Ethnopharmacy