This paper reports the result of test for Bovine Tuberculosis by two techniques in live cattle.Total three batches of dairy cattle and dairy water buffalo including 5156 heads were tested by PPD Intradermal Allergy during a period of 2010-2011,with 57 heads positive taking up a positive rate of 1.11% in tested animal.Total 57 blood samples were collected by using anticoagulant of heparin from each of the above positive cattle,and tested by γ-interferon ELISA with 3 positive taking up a positive rate of 5.26% in tested samples.Autopsy was carried out in 14 heads among the positive cattle in the first tested batch,and 14 tissue samples were collected each of the autopsied cattle for further isolation and culture of bacteria,and confirmation by PCR method.Result showed that 3 samples of 14 could be confirmed to be positive in bacteria culture,in which 1 confirmed to Mycobacterium bovis,the other 2 are not Mycobacterium.PCR result showed that 2 samples of 14 could be confirmed to be Mycobacterium,1 samples of 14 could be confirmed to be Mycobacterium bovis.The sensitivity and specificity of the PPD test and γ-interferon ELISA are analysised primarily,combining with PCR test and Pathological profile inspection.The false positive high rate of the PPD test due to the fineness of PPD,nonspecific reaction,the Subjectivity of the result judge etc.
China Animal Health