【目的】探讨便携式睡眠呼吸监测仪加诊断性治疗在确诊阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome, OSAHS)中的价值,旨为基层医院提供一种简易,准确、低成本、可行性强的诊断方法。【方法】首先分别采用便携式睡眠呼吸监测仪及多导睡眠监测仪,对97例临床上怀疑有OSAHS的对象进行监测,并对其中便携式睡眠呼吸监测考虑为0sAHs的73例患者进行免费持续气道正压通气(CPAP)治疗,一周后进行评估,有效者视确诊为0sAHs,比较便携式睡眠呼吸检测仪加诊断性治疗在诊断OSAHS敏感性和特异性。【结果】便携式睡眠呼吸检测仪的敏感性为100%,特异性为70.6%;便携式睡眠检测仪加诊断性治疗的敏感性为100%,特异性为91.7%。便携式睡眠检测仪加诊断性治疗的诊断特异性高于单纯便携式睡眠呼吸检测仪(P〈0.05)。【结论】便携式睡眠呼吸检测仪加诊断性治疗对诊断0S—AHS有高度的特异性。
[Objective]To explore the value of portable sleep monitor and diagnostic treatment in the diag- nosis of obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) in order to provide a simple, accurate, low-cost and feasible diagnostic method for the primary hospitals. [Methods]Firstly, portable sleep monitor and poly- somnography(PSG) monitor was used to monitor 97 cases clinically suspected as OSAHS. Of 93 cases, 73 cases with OSAHS diagnosed by portable sleep monitor were treated with free-charge continuous positive airway pressure(CPAP). After a week, patients were assessed. Effective patients were regarded as OSAHS. The sensitivity and specificity of portable sleep monitor and diagnostic treatment for the diagnosis of OSAHS were compared. [Results] The sensitivity and specificity of portable sleep monitor were 100% and 70.6%, respec- tively. The sensitivity and specificity of portable sleep monitor and diagnostic treatment were 100% and 91.7%, respectively. The specificity of portable sleep monitor and diagnostic treatment was hither than that of simple portable sleep monitor( P〈0.05). [Conclusion] Portable sleep monitor and diagnostic treatment for the diagnosis of OSAHS has high specificity.
Journal of Clinical Research