Objective: By D amino acids substitutions, AcSDKP isomers were synthesized for finding an angioten sinconverting enzyme(ACE) resistant peptide. The synthesized candidates were tested in vivo for its biological ac tivity. Methods: Degradation of AeSDKP isomers was measured by HPLC. Proliferation of L929 cells and cardiac fibroblasts were measured by MTT assay. Differentiation of bone marrow stem cells(BMSC) to macrophages was an alyzed by f/ow cytometry using F4/80 as a marker of macrophage maturation. Results: All the three AcSDKP iso mers can resist degradation by ACE. At the concentration of 108 tool/L, AcSDKP isomers inhibited L929 cells pro liferation, cardiac fibroblasts proliferation mediated by TGFI31, and differerntiation of BMSC to macrophages. Con clusion: Successfully obtained the AcSDKP isomers resisting degradation by ACE and having much biological activ ities.
Letters in Biotechnology