
我国REDD+行动的测量、报告和核查体系 被引量:7

A Measuring,Reporting and Verifying System for REDD+ Activities in China
摘要 对《UNFCCC》缔约方会议关于REDD+行动可测量、可报告和可核查的相关规定进行解读;分析现阶段我国实现REDD+行动可测量、可报告和可核查目标的难点和重点;提出适合我国国情的REDD+行动类型;建立以目的、实施状况、对可持续发展和消除贫困的贡献、环境效果、可持续性和成本有效性为普遍性指标的我国REDD+行动的测量、报告和核查体系框架。 Challenges and focus that Measureable, Reportable and Verifiable of REDD + activities will face are analyzed base on provisions relate to MRV for REDD + in UNFCCC. It will face the challenges of lake of messages in estimating biomass carbon storage and reference level, certifieation standards, the national methodology of REDD + activities, and financial support if measurable, reportable and verifiable REDD + activities are developed in China. Based on the results of the analysis, the different types for REDD + activities that adopt to Chinese situation are put forward, and it was designed that the framework on Measuring, Reporting and Verifying System for REDD + activities in China including general indicator such as objectives, implementation, contribution to sustainable development and poverty eradication, environment effectiveness, sustainability and cost effectiveness.
出处 《林业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期128-131,共4页 Scientia Silvae Sinicae
基金 973计划项目“气候谈判相关问题研究”课题:“减少发展中国家毁林排放等行动的政策措施和机理机制谈判议题相关问题研究”(2010CB955107) “CDM及其他灵活机制和改革问题研究”(2010CB955504)
关键词 UNFCCC REDD+ 测量 报告 核查 UNFCCC REDD + measuring reporting verifying
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