
耳鸣99例治疗体会及病因浅析 被引量:4

Treatment experiences and etiology analysis on 99 cases of tinnitus
摘要 目的:观察耳周穴注射配合活血化瘀药物治疗耳鸣的临床疗效,并浅析耳鸣病因。方法:将99例患者随机分成两组,对其中无临床症状者进行随机分配,以耳周穴注射合活血化瘀为治疗组,以活血化瘀药为对照组,均以7天为1疗程,连续治疗2疗程。结果:治疗组中治愈10例,显效15例,有效19例,显效率40.0%,总有效率为78.0%;对照组中治愈7例,显效9例,有效12例,显效率32.7%,总有效率为57.2%。治疗组总有效率明显高于对照组(P<0.01),显示出耳周穴注射配合活血化瘀药物治疗耳鸣疗效优于单纯活血化瘀药物治疗。结论:内耳由单一动脉供血,易出现缺血缺氧的情况,引发耳鸣,临床多予以活血化瘀药物治疗。本临床研究说明耳周穴注射配合活血化瘀药物治疗耳鸣疗效更优于单纯活血化瘀前物治疗。 To observe the therapeutic effect of antibiotic combined with blood circulation drugs and analysis etiology of tinnitus preliminary.Methods:The patients with tinnitus were divided into two groups:the treatment group and the control group.The patients in treatment group were given medicine injection therapy around the ear combined with blood circulation drugs,while the patients in control group was received the blood circulation drugs only.The treatment period last two weeks.Results:The total effective rate of the treatment group was 78.0%,which was significant higher than that of control group(57.2%).The treatment group was more effective.Conclusion:Due to the circulation of inner ear supplied by a single artery,ischemia and hypoxia conditions of inner ear were caused commonly to induce tinnitus.In the clinical,patients with tinnitus were used to be treated with blood circulation drugs.In the paper,it can be concluded that the therapeutic effect of medicine injection around the ear combined with blood circulation drugs is better than that of blood circulation drugs only.
出处 《四川中医》 2012年第4期113-115,共3页 Journal of Sichuan of Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 耳鸣 病因 细菌感染 Tinnitus Etiology Bacterial infection
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