目的探讨精神分裂症与ABO血型之间的关系。方法用试管正反定型法对患者ABO血型进行检测,并与正常人血型对照。结果 554例精神分裂症患者ABO血型分布与1 177例正常人比较,差异无统计学意义;男性与女性患者血型分布比较;A、B及O型血型分布在两性别间差异无统计学意义,但AB型分布差异有统计学意义(χ2=11.600 6,P<0.01),男性中AB型比例远高于女性。结论精神分裂症在河南地区男性患者中A型比例较高,女性患者中O型比例较高;AB型男性患者比例远高于女性患者比例。
[Objective]To explore the relationship between schizophrenia and ABO blood group. [Methods]The group typing and reverse typing method was adopted to detect ABO blood group of the schizophrenia patients,and the results were compared with normal controls. [Results]There was no significant difference in ABO blood group distribution between 554 schizophrenic patients and 1177 normal controls.The difference in distribution of A/B/O blood group between male and female patients was not significant,but the difference in distribution of AB blood group was significant(χ2=11.600 6,P0.01),the proportion of AB blood group in males was significantly higher than that in females. [Conclusion]The proportion of A blood group is higher than other types in male schizophrenia patients in Henan,and O blood group is higher in female patients.The proportion of AB blood group in male schizophrenia patients is significantly higher than that in female patients.
Occupation and Health