8 0年代至 90年代初 ,广东外资集中于沿海、经济特区和中心城市 ,进入 90年代中期 ,外资出现扩散转移之势 ,表现在 :(1)外资集聚中心增加和出现外资分布核心区 ,以深圳为中心的外资单核集聚首先被以深圳和广州为中心的双核集聚取代 ,然后又被以珠江三角洲经济开放区为中心的核心地区集聚取代 ,表明外资扩散性集聚的特点。 (2 )外资从部分城市市区向郊县扩散转移 ,流入市区的外资比重持续下降。 (3)经济特区外资向外扩散转移。预计近期内广东外资将继续集聚 ,但扩散转移趋势会逐步加强。
From 1980s to early 1990s, the foreign investment had been concentrating in the coastland, the special economic zones and the central cities in Guangdong province. In mid 1990s,the foreign investment began to change spatially.(1)The amassment centers of foreign investment increase and the inner regions of foreign investment distribution appear. (2) The foreign investment diffuses and shifts from the cities proper of some cities to their suburbs and neighbor counties. (3) The foreign investment in the special economic zones diffuses and shifts outward. It's estimated that in the near future the foreign investment will continue to amass, but the tendency of diffusion and shift will be strengthened step by step.
Geography and Territorial Research
国家自然科学基金!重点项目 (498310 30 )
国家自然科学基金项目!(499710 2 3)