1例48岁女性因继发性癫痫给予丙戊酸钠400 mg,1次/12 h静脉微泵泵入,同时给予莫西沙星、普罗帕酮、硝苯地平。第3天加用丙戊酸钠200 mg,3次/d口服。应用丙戊酸钠第1~7天患者凝血酶原时间(PT)分别为11.0、12.9、12.9、14.7、18.5、23.3、37.7(此数值为第6天第2次检查结果)、41.5 s,活化部分凝血活酶时间(APTT)分别为30.0、44.7、50.9、43.3、66.8、52.6、65.0(此数值为第6天第2次检查结果)、69.0 s,立即停用丙戊酸钠,其他3种药物继续应用。停药后2 d,PT为12.9 s,APTT为41.2 s。
A 48-year-old woman received an IV infusion of sodium valproate 400 mg every 12 hours via a pump for secondary epilepsy. Moxifloxaein, propafenone, and nifedipine were given at same time. On the third day, oral sodium valproate 200 mg thrice daily was added to the regimen. On days 1 to 7 of sodium valproate use, the prothrombin time (PT) was 11.0, 12.9, 12.9, 14.7, 18.5, 23.3, 37.7 s ( the result of the second test on day 6) , and 41.5 s, respectively. And the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTF) was 30.0, 44.7, 50.9, 43.3, 66.8, 52.6, 65.0 s ( the result of the second test on day 6) , and 69.0 s, respectively. Sodium valproate was withdrawn immediately and other three medications continued. Two days after drug discontinuation, her PT was 12.9 s and APTT was 41.2 s.
Adverse Drug Reactions Journal
blood coagulation