
黄斑号方对兔眼视网膜电流图的实验研究 被引量:3

An experimental study on ERG with huangbanfang I in rabbit
摘要 目的 观察中药黄斑 号方对正常家兔视网膜电流图 (ERG)的影响特征 ,以参考临床用药评估。方法 对 10只正常家兔经口灌饲黄斑 号方 ,并于给药前及给药后 3、7、14天检测 ERG。结果 暗视反应 ERG的 a、b波振幅在给药后均有所增加 ,尤以 b波明显 ,二者潜伏期则无变化。振荡电位 (OPs)的总振幅 ( OPs)没有显著变化 ,但第二个子波 (OP2 )振幅增加明显 ,于给药后第 7、14天 (7天 :5 2 .5 5± 2 8.96 μv,14天 :5 4.5 3± 19.2 7μv)明显高于给药前 (36 .33± 13.99μv) ,(P<0 .0 1) ,且各子波潜伏期缩短。结论 黄斑 号方对兔视网膜电流图有一定的影响 。 Objective To observe the effects of traditional Chinese medicine huangbanfang I(黄斑Ⅰ号方)on electroetinogram (ERG) in the rabbit eyes,and to provied a foundation of objective functional evaluation for clinical use.Methods 10 normal rabbits were taken huangbanfang I orally,and examined by ERG before and after administration 3,7,14 days.Results The amplitudes of scotopic ERG b-wave and the second oscillatory potentials (OP2) increased after administration,especially on the seventh day (D7) and fourteenth day (D14).The total amplitude of oscillatory potentials and the latencies of a -and b-wave showed no marked differences,but those of OPs wavelets were shortened respectively,especially the OP2.Conclusion Huangbanfang I can improve the function of retina significantly in rabbit.
出处 《临床眼科杂志》 2000年第2期145-147,共3页 Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology
关键词 视网膜电流图 中药 黄斑Ⅰ号方 药理 Electroretinogram Ttraditional Chinese medicine Hangbanfang I(黄斑Ⅰ号方) Rabbit
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