目的 :了解国产毛果芸香碱 (瑞尔欣 )治疗精神药物所致口干的疗效和不良反应。方法 :精神药物所致口干 75例 ,前 6 0例病人分为两组 ,每组男女病人各 15例 ,采用随机双盲对照方法分别给予毛果芸香碱 (2 .5mg/片 )或外形相同的安慰剂 (淀粉 ) 2片 ,口服tid ,连用 2 8d。另 15例病人同样方法予毛果芸香碱开放治疗。结果 :毛果芸香碱总有效率为 77.8% ,安慰剂组自然有效率为 2 6 .7% ;组间比较 ,P <0 .0 1。不良反应有窦缓 ,出汗 ,流泪和视物模糊。结论
To evaluate the efficacy and safety of pilocarpine nitrate in the treatment of dry mouth resulting from psychotropic drugs were studied.60 patients were divided into two groups, with each group having 15 male patients and 15 female patients.By using the double blind controlled method,patients were randomly assigned to treatment group taking either 2 tablets of pilocarpine nitrate( 2.5 mg/tablet) or control group receiving 2 tablets of placeboes.The pilocarpine tablet and placebos were orally given,with a dosage of 3 times a day for 28 days.The placeboes were of the appearance similar to that of pilocarpine nitrate.The rest 15 patients were enrolled in the open trial by using the same method.Results showde that there was a statistically significant difference between two groups ( P< 0.01 ),with a totl effective rate of 77.8% in pilocarpine nitrate treated group and the natural effective rate of 26.7% in placebo treated group.The side effects of pilocarpine nitrate included sinus bradycardia, sweating, lacrimation and blurred vision.Our study showed that pilocarpine nitrate is effective and safe in the treatment of dry mouth caused by psychotropic drugs.
Chinese Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology