

How biofuel development can benefit from advanced process technology
摘要 这篇文章重点介绍了生物燃料尤其是生物乙醇的生产过程。简单介绍了生物燃料生产的"问题":"第一代"生物燃料(关于与粮争地,与人争食的问题)和"第二代"生物燃料(关于生产技术有待改进的问题)。介绍了从原材料到最终产品的每一步的生产过程,包括对原材料的预处理、水解和发酵的过程。讨论了一系列的问题,包括筛选有效的甚至是多效的水解酶,发酵过程中对微生物菌株的筛选,利用厌氧作用将糖转化为生物乙醇的最优发酵条件。 The presented article highlights the process of biofuel production with a special focusonbioethanol.Afterashortintroductiontothe problems ofbiofuels - the first generation biofuels (in regards to their competition to feed and food production) and the second generation biofuels (in regards to the required more complex process technology) the different steps in the process fromnatural resources towards the final product are presented and the underlying biotechnological challenges discussed: the pre- treatment of the natural resources followed by the biotechnological processes of hydrolysis and fermentation. Topics such as enzyme screening for efficient or even multi-step hydrolysis as well as microbial strain selection under process conditions and the optimization of the anaerobic fermentative conversion of the saccharides to bioethanol are discussed.Optimizing the production of bioethanol to be competitive with petrochemical fuels is the main challenge for the underlying process development.
作者 王海栋
出处 《发酵科技通讯》 CAS 2012年第2期54-56,共3页 Bulletin of Fermentation Science and Technology
关键词 生物燃料 生物反应器 过程技术学 小规模生产生物燃料 Biofuels development Bioreactor technology Process technology Small-scale biofuelproduction
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