
通过Gamma频段能量分析进行大脑皮层功能区定位 被引量:2

Gamma event-related synchronization analysis: a new method for cortical function mapping
摘要 目的通过分析颅内脑电中Gamma频段能量变化来实现大脑皮层感觉运动区定位。方法利用Gamma频段能量分析法、诱发电位(SEP)和皮层电刺激(CES)等电生理检查对8例因难治性癫痫而行颅内电极植入术的患者进行大脑皮层感觉运动区定位,以减少术后功能缺失等并发症。将Gamma频段能量分析方法的定位结果与SEP与CES进行比较。结果通过统计对比,Gamma频段能量分析所得上肢感觉运动区电极编号与CES和SEP所得感觉运动区电极编号完全重合的占80.7%,完全重合或者紧邻的达92.3%。结论Gamma频段能量分析方法是一种敏感性高、结果准确的大脑皮层功能区定位的新方法。 Objective To localize the sensory motor cortex of human brain by analyzing the power change in Gamma band ( 〉 60 Hz ) of electrocorticography ( ECoG ) data. Methods Eight patients with intractable epilepsy underwent temporary placement of subdural electrodes. After surgery, sensory evoked potential (SEP), eleetrocortical stimulation (CES) and event-related synchronization analysis of Gamma band ( Gamma ERS analysis) were performed to reduce the risk of complications. The results of Gamma ERS analysis were compared with those of SEP and CES. Results The results of Gamma ERS analysis had 80. 7% electrodes fitting perfectly those of CES and SEP. And the percentage reached 92. 3% if electrodes were superimposed or added adjacently. Conclusion The Gamma ERS analysis is a new sensitive and precise method for cortical function mapping.
出处 《中华医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第13期899-903,共5页 National Medical Journal of China
基金 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(81171143),首都医学发展科研基金(2009-3048),清华-裕元医学科学研究基金
关键词 诱发电位 电刺激 癫痫 Evoked protentials Electric stimutation Epilepsy
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