
精矿浆体管道输送流量检测研究 被引量:7

Study on flow rate measurement in pipeline transportation for concentrated ore slurry
摘要 针对精矿浆体管道输送流量难以准确检测的问题,在浆体管道输送试验基地进行输运试验与研究。分析精矿流体特性与浆体浓度变化及气泡等对电磁流量计检测流量的影响。设计一种基于多传感器信息融合的流量检测系统,给出其检测系统结构框图。提取流体状态的特征量:差压波动系数、流量波动系数、浆体密度等,并研究其与流量的相关性。将精矿浆体管道输送过程划分为5个阶段,根据特征量识别所获数据所处阶段。采用分层产生式规则的专家系统对每个阶段检测的流量进行真伪辨别和融合修正处理。给出了带浆停泵再启动与多泵串联批量输送铁精矿浆体的流量试验曲线,说明系统能在各种工况下准确地检测输送流量。 Aiming at the problem that the flow rate in pipeline transportation for concentrated ore slurry can hardly be measured accurately,experiment and research were carried out in a slurry pipeline transportation engineering test base.The effects of concentrated ore slurry density and bubble on flow rate measurement are analyzed.A flow rate measurement system was designed based on multisensor information fusion.The block diagram of the measurement system structure is given.The characteristics representing the flow rate state such as differential pressure fluctuation coefficient,flow rate fluctuation coefficient,slurry density and etc.are calculated and analyzed.The long-distance pipeline transportation process of concentrated ore slurry is divided into five stages.The stage for the obtained data is identified according to the characteristic.An expert system based on hierarchical production rules is adopted to carry out the authenticity identification and fusion modification processing of the measured flow rate in each stage.The flow experiment curves for shutdown and restart-up with slurry,multi-pump series batch transportation of concentrated ore slurry are given.The results show that this system can accurately measure the flow rate in pipeline transportation under all kinds of operating conditions.
出处 《仪器仪表学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期891-898,共8页 Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument
基金 十一五国家支撑计划(2006BAB02A12)资助项目
关键词 浆体 管道输送 流量检测 多传感器信息融合 专家系统 slurry pipeline transportation flow rate measurement multisensor information fusion expert system
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