[目的]以外科医生对影像学检查特有的要求,采用OsiriX图像处理软件对急诊CT检查结果 DICOM图像实现3D重建和处理,以期对老年髋部骨折实现快速、客观、全面的描述以利手术决策。[方法]调阅2010年1月~10月期间143例因髋部骨折而住院的老年患者的急诊CT检查结果。采用OsiriX软件的2D图像查看器、图像3D处理器、图像优化等功能,对上述急诊CT的DICOM图像进行3D处理、判读结果,并与急诊CT报告对照以验证准确性。[结果]所有患者急诊CT检查DICOM图像均可实现2D查看和3D处理。143例患者中,发现急诊CT检查报告中未提及但不影响手术决策的髋部骨裂1例。[结论]OsiriX在老年髋部骨折的快速、全面、客观、准确的诊断和手术决策方面具有实用性和指导意义。能够实现从外科手术和治疗的要求出发,审阅并处理影像学检查的结果。其在其他骨科创伤中的应用尚需进一步实践和研究。
[ Objective] To make the diagnosis and surgical treatment of hip fracture in elderly people easier, faster, and more accurate by the use of OsiriX, an free and opensource software for medical imagery. [ Method ] Emergency CT scans of 143 hip fracture patients between January 2010 and October 2010 were evaluated by the OsiriX software on Mac OS X computer and compared to results obtained by standard workstation analysis. [ Result] All of Emergency CT scans of 143 hip fracture patients could be reconstructed to 3 - Dementional images. We found 1 extra hairline hip fracture. [ Conclusion ] OsiriX has approximately equivalent values to commercial software and provides reliable preoperative 3D information for the diagnosis and surgical treatment of hip fracture in elderly people. OsiriX is a helpful tool in diagnosis and preoperative planning in traumatic orthopedic surgery.
Orthopedic Journal of China