
基于离散共轭方法的高超声速导弹气动外形优化设计 被引量:5

Aerodynamic configuration optimization design of hypersonic missile based on discrete adjoint method
摘要 开展了离散共轭方法在高超声速气动外形优化设计中的应用研究。构建了基于NURBS方法的几何外形参数化方法,完成了一种简单高效的动网格方法,建立了基于Euler方程的离散共轭方法,并将这些方法与优化算法等集成起来够构建了适合复杂外形的高超声速气动外形优化设计系统。利用该系统对一种导弹的前体进行了优化设计研究,使其升阻比提高了11.2%,优化后导弹前体形状接近双锥外形,说明双锥形前体有利于减小阻力。算例表明,离散共轭方法在高超声速气动外形优化设计中具有良好的应用前景。 This paper studied the aerodynamic configuration optimization design of hypersonic missile.The NURBS parameterization method was constructed,and an efficient and simple moving grid method was completed.Discrete adjoint method based on Euler equations was built.All these methods along with optimization method were integrated into an aerodynamic optimization system that can process complex hypersonic configuration.The forebody of a missile was optimized,and the lift to drag ratio is increased by 11.2 percent.The shape of the optimized forebody is very close to that of double cone,and this shows that a double cone forebody helps to reduce the drag.Experiment shows that discrete adjoint method has very promising prospects in optimization design of hypersonic configuration.
出处 《计算力学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期284-289,共6页 Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics
基金 西北工业大学科技创新基金资助
关键词 离散共轭 复杂外形 优化设计 高超声速 双锥 discrete adjoint complex configuration optimization design hypersonic double cone
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