
差于死亡的健康状态效用值的测量及转换 被引量:2

Measurement and transformation of utilities for health states worse than death
摘要 大量的研究表明了差于死亡健康状态的客观存在,对其效用值的测量可采用的方法包括视觉模拟标尺法、时间权衡法及标准博弈法等,为了获得与好于死亡健康状态效用值对称的值域,还需要采用单调、线性或截尾的方式进行转换。文中系统地介绍了各种测量及转换方法的具体应用和特点,在特定研究中应根据其目的和客观限制选择合适的方法。差于死亡健康状态效用值的研究是健康相关生命质量评价的重要部分,应进行更加深入的探索。 The existing of health states worse than death has been proved by many studies.Visual analogue scaling(VAS),time trade-off(TTO) and standard gamble(SG) can be used to measure the utilities of these states.Some transformations including monotonic,linear and truncated method must be made to obtain the symmetrical scores compared with health states better than death.This article will make a systemic introduction to the specific procedures of these methods and the different characteristics.The appropriate way should be selected through analyzing the objective and limitations of the specific study.The research of utilities for health states worse than death is an important part of evaluation on the health related quality of life.More efforts would be made.
出处 《中国新药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第7期714-717,共4页 Chinese Journal of New Drugs
关键词 差于死亡 效用值 视觉模拟标尺 时间权衡 标准博弈 worse than death utilities visual analogue scaling(VAS) time trade-off(TTO) standard gamble(SG)
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