
医用物理实验课程与信息技术整合的初探 被引量:2

Preliminary Study of the Information Technology and Medical Physics Experiment Curriculum Integration
摘要 针对医用物理实验教学中存在的新生实验基础参差不齐、学生个性化需求与班级授课制之间的矛盾、教学内容广泛性需求与学生活动空间有限性的矛盾、实验成绩的客观细致评定与时间成本之间的矛盾等,本文尝试信息技术解决上述实验教学过程中所存在的、采用传统手段难以解决的困难,旨在促进学生自主地、富有个性地学习,提高教与学的质量和效率。通过课堂实验观察、问卷调查、课后访谈以及测试等方法反馈的信息表明,学生对本课程的学习方式有较大的兴趣,认为课前预习和课堂授课中采用电子幻灯、视频教材、CAI软件可以形象生动地帮助了解实验仪器的结构和操作要领,对实验原理理解得更清楚,课堂教学效果和实验成绩评定较为客观,其效率和效果都有不同程度的提高。信息技术与医用物理实验课程整合延伸和扩展了医学物理实验教学时空,解决了长久以来物理实验教学中的许多矛盾,创建和实现了在现有教学条件下的最优化教学模式,医用物理实验课程与信息技术整合是深化教学改革的一条重要途径。 The different level of medical physics experiment knowledge freshmen have, the gap between each student's needs and class teaching, the conflict between the demand of extensive teaching contents and the limitation of students' activity space, the contradiction between the careful evaluation for experiment results and time cost and other problems exist in medical physics experiment teaching. In order to promote students' self-learning and personalized learning and enhance the quality and efficiency of teaching and studying, this article utilizes information technology to solve difficulties exist in the process of medical physics experiment teaching mentioned above, difficulties hard to be solved by traditional methods. The feedback through class experiments observation, questionnaire, interview, test and other ways indicates that students are interested in the way of learning and think using power point, videos and CAI during the preparation before class and class teaching is helpful to understand the constructions of instrument and operating methods in vivid ways and experiment principle. Moreover, students agree that the evaluation of class teaching effect and experiment results is objective and both effect and efficiency are improved in varying degrees. The integration of information technology and medical physics experiment course extends medical physics experiment teaching, solves many problems and difficulties exist in medical physics experiment teaching for a long time and creates the optimal model of teaching under the current teaching conditions. The integration of information technology and medical physics experiment course is a crucial way to deepen teaching reform.
出处 《中国医学物理学杂志》 CSCD 2012年第2期3322-3324,共3页 Chinese Journal of Medical Physics
基金 上海市重点课程建设计划基金资助项目(沪教委高(2009)42号) 军队院校物理教育教学研究课题(No.JWJ20110102)
关键词 信息技术 医用物理实验 课程整合 information technology medical physics experiments curriculum integration
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