目的探讨青少年网络过度使用所产生的生理、心理和社会后果。方法 2007年10-12月,以职校学生作为目标人群,采用随机整群抽样的方法。结果①网络成瘾32人,检出率为6.7%;②网络成瘾组与正常组在性别、城乡及是否独生子女方面无显著性差异(P>0.05);③网络成瘾组在网龄、每次上网时间上高于正常组,两组有显著性差异(P<0.05)。网络成瘾组在上网次数、在线时间、每天/每周上网时间上显著高于正常组(P<0.001),网络成瘾组在线时间更长,上网次数更多;④网络成瘾组与正常组的上网内容比较,两组在信息与技术、性与游戏、娱乐放松、网络人际关系上均无显著性差异(P>0.05)。在网络态度上,两组的网络效能感、对网络的积极评价无显著性差异(P>0.05),而在对网络的消极评价上两组有显著性差异(P<0.05),成瘾组的得分高于正常组。两组的网络情感上的比较显示,成瘾组的网络满意度明显高于正常组(P<0.001);⑤网络成瘾组与正常组抑郁得分有显著性差异(P<0.05),成瘾组的得分高于正常组。两组在焦虑、生理后果、行为后果、经济后果、心理-社会后果方面存在极其显著性差异(P<0.001),成瘾组后果更严重。结论网络成瘾的青少年花更多的时间上网,而且产生了更消极的生理、行为、经济和心理-社会后果等。
Objective To explore the physical,psychological and social consequences of adolescents with internet addiction.Methods Used random-cluster sampling method,taken the vocational school students as the target population.Results ①There were 6.7% students with internet addiction disorder.②Internet addiction disorder group and normal group showed no significant differences(P〈0.05) in gender,urban and rural areas and whether they were the only child in their family or not.③Internet addiction disorder group in internet age,the average times online every time were higher than the normal group(P〈0.05).Internet addiction disorder group spent longer time online and more times online than the normal group(P〈0.001).④Compared two groups in internet content,there were no significant differences in the information and technology,sex and games,entertainment and relaxation,network interpersonal relationships(P〈0.05).As to the internet attitude,the two groups had no significant differences in the network efficiency and the positive evaluation of the network(P〈0.05),while the two groups had significant difference in the negative evaluation of the network(P〈0.05).The internet addiction disorder group scored higher than the normal group.Compared two groups in the network affection,there was no significant difference in online anxiety(P〈0.05),on the contrary,there was extremely significant difference level in the network satisfaction(P〈0.001),the internet addiction disorder group scored significantly higher than the normal group.⑤The internet addiction disorder group scored higher than the normal group in depression(P〈0.05).The two groups had extremely significant differences in anxiety,physical consequences,behavioral consequences,economic consequences,psycho-social consequences(P〈0.001).Conclusion The adolescents with internet addiction disorder spend more time on-line,and develop more negative consequences on physical,behavioral,economic and psycho-social aspect.
China Journal of Health Psychology
Internet addiction disorder
Physical consequences
Behavioral consequences
Economic consequences
Psycho-social consequences