由多层土构成的深基坑 ,采用多层支点的混合支护 ,在地面荷载及地下水的影响下 ,支护设计计算十分复杂。作者采用寻找任意层支点和任意层地层的通用算法并编制通用程序的方法 ,解决了混合支护设计的计算问题。作者采用面向对象的程序设计方法设计具有 Window风格的界面 ,提高了程序的实用性。
The calculation in design of mixed support with multi-layer supporting points for deep foundation pit in multi-layer soil affected by the surface loading and ground water is very complex. The authors solved the calculation problem in design of mixed support through finding the commonly used algorithm for the calculation in design of foundation pit, which has arbitrary number of soil layers and arbitrary number of support points, and programmed with a commonly used software. The authors used an object-oriented programming method to design interfaces which is of Windows style, it improved the applicability of software.
Journal of Engineering Geology
河海大学青年科技基金! (3845 )
国家自然科学基金资助项目! (No. 49772 16 6 )