陕西在西部大开发中具有重要地位和良好前景。陕西是一个缺水省份 ,但存在着地下水赋存的良好地质 -水文地质条件 ,地下水资源是陕西实施西部大开发战略的重要保证。面对西部大开发的新形势 ,依法加大陕西地下水资源勘查开发力度 ,把地下水资源勘查开发同其它基础设施建设要放在同等重要位置。组建专业委员会研讨地下水资源勘查开发问题。
According to the important situation and good coming prospects of Shaanxi in the development of western China ,it presents the general features of Shaanxi water resource,the usage of groundwater in arid and semi arid areas on the global scale It is put forward that Shaanxi is one of the water absent provinces,but there is good conditions of geology hydrology to preserve groundwater,groundwater resource is the guaratee of the “development of western China” Facing to the new circumstances,the investigating and developing strength of groundwater resource in Shaanxi will be maintained by law,which will be in the same situation as important role as fundmental construction And then it is suggestion that the special commit should be established in order to solve the problems of investigation and development groundwater resource
Geology of Shaanxi