To evaluate the application of the am in the clinical medicine. Materialsand Methods:With the help of GE Signa Horizon un systen and the method of BOLD, 16 patientswere examined who suffered from the cerebral thrombosis. T1 xveighted images were obtained tvith spinecho pulse sequence, and T2* weighted images witll sillgle shot gradient echo planar unagliW pulsesequence. With the Sun Sparc workstation and related software, and stahshcal methods such as student t-test and correlation the data were analyzed. Results: The majority of the patients in the control group hada stable state in a short time after admission to hospital, and the disease reerudesced soon after stoppingthe remedy of dehydration and encephalic pressure reduction given exeept 2 younger pahents. The fMRIresults showed that there wer active areas within the brain only in 2 cases of this group. In theexperimental group, all patients had a stable state in the period of treatment and the functions of theirtroubled limbs were remarkably reeovered. With fMRI, it was also found that there were achve areas inthe primary motor cortex. Conclusion: It is an objective and effective intuentality for fMRI to inspectthe functional resumption of the pahents Who suffered from Cereral thrombosis. Besides, it is also hintedthat the curative effeet was very good When using the remedy of coreral dricro-circulation such as theginkgo biloba extract in the acute period of the disease, and was different with and without it.
Computerized Tomography Theory and Applications