本文通过分析比较星云湖近 2 0年来水生高等植物、浮游生物、鱼类、底栖动物的变迁历程及优势种群的演替过程。并运用卡森指数法、选取 6项典型因子对星云湖四个时期的富营养状况作出较为客观的评价。在分析水生生态系统变化的基础上 ,分析了富营养化发展的趋势 。
By making an analysis on the 20 years'evolution of high level aquatic plants,plankton, fish benthos and dominant population,using Carson Index and selecting six distinct elements,this article accesses the eutrophication of the Xinyun Lake in four different periods.Based on the analysis of aquatic eco-system,the aericle also predicts the trend of euteophication of Xinyun Lake and proposes measures of controlling its development.
Yunnan Environmental Science