The Old Regime and the Revolution by Tocqueville analyzes the social conditions before the French Revolution according to the three factors of studies on revolution and social movement: social changes, structure and discourse. The discussion about social changes is mainly related to the relative deprivation during a period of eco- nomic growth. Before the revolution, decades of prosperity stimulated peoples~ desires, and when the old social system couldn't satisfy the needs for growth, people developed the feeling of deprivation and then intended to have the revolution. Social structure was divided in two parts: centralism and the split relations of classes. Consequently, the revolution destroyed the monarchy immediately for the whole nation lacked a middle zone as a cushion or the effective organization of all the classes. In discourse, the popular literary politics emphasized freedom and equality, which encouraged revolution. However, it was actually a Utopia, lacking the concrete plans for revolution and a new society.
Journal of Changshu Institute of Technology
The Old Regime and the Revolution
the French Revolution