在X杠管辖音系学框架下,对汉语母语者英语音节划分的经典案例进行了重新分析,认为Eckman(1981)存在理论不够简明和假设空间约束不够等问题;Broselow et al.(1998)和Lin(2001)存在制约条件集不统一和使用ad hoc条件的缺点;并对词尾词首插音、词尾辅音减弱、词首双辅音丛第二个辅音删除等现象提出了新的统一的解释。总之,X杠GP提供了一种不同于推导式生成音系学和OT音系学的音节划分研究新路线,使我们看到了借用X杠GP改造现有OT音节划分分析的可能性。X杠GP与"激进的中间道路"相结合,为中介语音系研究开启了新思路。
Through reanalyzing three studies of Chinese EFL/ESL learners' English syllabification,within the framework of x-bar theory of Government Phonology(x-bar GP),the paper has pointed to the drawbacks of Eckman(1981),lack of a concise theoretical framework and inadequate restriction to the hypothesis space,and of Broselow et al.(1998) and Lin(2001),incoherent use of constraints(ad hoc in nature),and then proposed new solutions to onset and coda consonants cluster epentheses,lenition of coda consonants and deletion of the second consonant of onset bi-clusters.X-bar GP has availed itself as one of the ways,in addition to derivational generative phonology and optimality-theory phonology,to look at syllabification in general and interlanguage syllabification in particular,especially when it is embedded within the hypothesis space defined by "the radical middle of interlanguage phonology".
Journal of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science Edition)