以气田的天然气操作成本预测与优化控制为研究对象,以HTB气田天然气成本为基础,采用GM(1,1)模型对天然气操作成本进行预测,并运用DEA(I-C2 R)技术对投入产出要素进行评价和优化,从而比较准确的为气田管理部门提供优化成本的措施,可帮助气田实现资源的优化配置,从而提高气田的整体经济效益。
In this paper,the operating cost forecast natural gas field with optimization control is for research object, by the natural gas costs based gas HTB, using GM (1, 1) model of the natural gas operation cost will do forecast, and use DEA (I-C2R) technology to input and output elements in evaluation and optimization, which is accurate for gas field management departments to provide cost optimization measures, which can help the gas field optimize the allocation of resources, so as to improve the overall economic benefit of gas field.
Science Technology and Industry