
四川博物院文本英译系统研究——以张大千书画馆为例 被引量:2

A Systematic Study on C-E Translation of Artwork Texts in Sichuan Museum——Taking Zhang Daqian Painting and Calligraphy Gallery as an Example
摘要 自2009年5月9日起向社会公众免费开放的四川博物院,已经成为国内外人士了解四川历史文化的窗口。四川博物院的张大千书画馆藏品更是荣居全国之冠,然而,张大千书画馆内的英译本质量令人堪忧,欠额翻译比比皆是,误译、翻译症现象较严重。本文采用实证分析,对比归纳的研究方法,以张大千书画馆为例,对四川博物院文本英译进行系统研究,认为译者的职业素养、翻译技能、知识水平及跨文化意识亟待提高,并从翻译的目的、任务及标准这三个层面来探究翻译过程中所采取的翻译模式、翻译策略及解决方案。 Sichuan Museum, which has been open to the public free of charge since May 9, 2009, serves as a window into Sichuan history and culture. In the museum, Zhang Daqian Painting and Calligraphy Gallery has the largest collection of Zhang Daqian's artworks in China, feasting visitors'eyes on the world of Zhang Daqian. However, C -E translation of Zhang Daqian's artwork texts is not good ,for there exits much of undertranslation, mistranslation and translationese, showing that translators need to do a better job in translators'ethics, translation skills, knowledge and cross - cultural awareness. This paper conducts a systematic study on C - E translation of Zhang Daqian's artwork texts in Siehuan Museum by way of case study, comparison and induction. And it studies on translation models, strategies and solutions in translating process from aspects of translation purposes, tasks and standards.
作者 谭明玉
出处 《成都大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第2期57-62,共6页 Journal of Chengdu University (Social Sciences)
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  • 2is also known as Da Fengtang, and the words "Da Feng"comes from Zhang Dafeng, a Chinese painter in late Ming and early Qing Dynasties.
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