目的 :定量描述准分子激光屈光性角膜切削术 (PRK)术后早期角膜愈合的组织学变化规律。方法 :2 0只 ( 40只眼 )新西兰白兔 ,行 -5.0D PRK手术。于术后 3天、1周、2周、3周和 4周观察角膜的组织学改变 ,并通过计算机图像处理系统 ,对其定量化。同时用苦味酸天狼星红偏振光法观察角膜胶原变化。结果 :PRK术后 2周内上皮增生速度较快 ,2~ 4周时 ,速度缓慢。基质内成纤维细胞密度于术后 1周呈持续性增长。PRK术后 2周开始 ,基质内生成大量Ⅲ型胶原。结论 :PRK术后早期角膜愈合包括上皮增生 ,成纤维细胞活跃和胶原形成 ,其中以Ⅲ型胶原为主。
Objective:To observe the quantitative histological changes of rabbit corneas after excimer photorefractive keratectomy (PRK).Methods:20 New Zealand rabbits were operated for myopia ablation of 5.0 D.The rabbit corneas were examined with light microscopy and sirius red staining and polarized microscopy at 3 days,1 week,2 weeks,3 weeks and 4 weeks after PRK.Results:The speed of epithelial hyperplasia was faster in two weeks,and was slow at 2~4 weeks.Fibroblasts increased persistently after 1 week.By staining with sirius red type Ⅲ collagen was seen increased at 2 weeks under polarized microscope.Conclusion:Corneal healing after PRK included epithelium hyperplasia、activity of fibroblasts and formation of new collagens of which type Ⅲ is the major component.
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