
一例犬乳腺纤维肉瘤的诊治体会 被引量:4

Diagnosis and Treatment of Canine Mammary Fibrosarcoma
摘要 犬乳腺肿瘤是成年雌性犬多发的一种疾病,主要表现为乳腺部有硬块状物,身体消瘦等临床症状。2011年9月贵阳某动物医院接诊了一例患有乳腺肿瘤的狼狗,经病理切片分析,判定是犬乳腺纤维肉瘤。 Canine mammary tumor,is a commom disease of adult female dogs.Its symptoms include hard objects in mammary gland,emaciation and so on.A case of canine mammary tumor was diagnosed and treated in an animal hospital of Guiyang in September 2011.The disease was determined as canine fibrosarcoma by using pathologic section analysis.
出处 《动物医学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期135-136,共2页 Progress In Veterinary Medicine
关键词 乳腺肿瘤 纤维肉瘤 治疗 mammary tumor fibrosarcoma treatment dog
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