
基于平均场理论的手机蓝牙病毒传播模型 被引量:4

Propagation Model of Mobile Phone Bluetooth Virus Based on Mean-filed Theory
摘要 目前的手机蓝牙病毒传播模型大多未考虑手机节点的空间特性和随机移动特性。为此,引入节点感染率、节点免疫率、节点密度3个参数,提出一个基于平均场理论的蓝牙病毒传播模型,并仿真分析各参数对病毒传播的影响。实验结果表明,该模型更接近真实环境下手机蓝牙病毒的传播规律,能准确模拟病毒的传播过程。 Current propagation models of mobile phone Bluetooth virus do not consider the space characteristic and random moving characteristic of the mobile nodes.This paper introduces three parameters including the infection rate of nodes,the immune rate of nodes,the distribution density of nodes to propose a propagation model of mobile phone Bluetooth virus based on mean-filed theory,and analyzes the effect of the parameters to the spread of the virus through simulation.Experimental results show that the model is closer to the real environment of mobile phone Bluetooth virus spread rule,and it can simulate the spread process of the virus accurately.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 2012年第7期93-95,共3页 Computer Engineering
关键词 蓝牙 平均场理论 传播模型 空间特性 移动特性 有效区域 Bluetooth mean-filed theory propagation model space characteristic moving characteristic effective area
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