
摆式矫治器加直丝弓技术治疗第二恒磨牙完全萌出后的效果 被引量:1

Clinical effects of pendulum and straight wire technology in patients with fully erupted maxillary second molar
摘要 目的探讨头影测培和定鞋分析摆式矫治器加直丝技术在上颌第2磨牙萌出后的治疗效果。方法选择安氏Ⅱ类错粉患者。分为两组,第2磨牙未萌出背为对照纰,第2磨牙完全萌出者行为实验组。两组均戴用摆式矫治器.推孵牙向远中.当上下磨才达到轻度安氏Ⅲ类关系时,维持3个月.拆除摆式矫治器。两组皆刷滑动直丝弓技术进行第2期矫治.直至治疗结束。每佗患并皆拍摄头颅侧位片。对患者的头颅侧位片进行测量、分析。结果实验组的第1磨牙近中颊尖向远中移动1.62mm.几何中心移动3.75mm.约占笫1磨牙远中移动量的81%。对照照组的第1磨牙近中颊尖向远中移动5.78mm。几何中心移动3.20mm,约占第1磨牙远中移动节的55%,以上变化莞肄均县仃硅著的统计意义(P〈0.01)。可见.两组的第1磨牙皆能有效地向远中移动.但实验组以整体移动为主,对照组以倾斜移动为主。结论在上颌第2磨纤完全萌出的情况下,摆式矫治器仍可以有效远中移动第1、2磨牙。摆式矫治器加直丝弓技术仍可捩得良好疗效。 Objective To investigate the clinical effect of pendulum and straight wire technology in patients with fully erupted second molar. Methods Patients with Angle class II malocclusion were chosen, Control group included patients without erupted second molar. Experimental group included patients with completely erupted second molar, Pendulums were used in two groups todistalizc maxillary molars, Then straight wire orthodomic lreatmennt had been performed until treazmem was over. Cephalograms of each slage were analyzed. Results In the experimental group, mesiobuccal cusp of first molar was dislalized for 4.62 mm, geometric center was dislalized for 3.75 ram. about 81 per cent of the movement of mesiobuccal cusp. In control group, mesiohuccal cusp of first molar was distalized for 5.78 ram. geometric center was distalized for 3.20 ram. ahoul 55 percent of the movement of mesiohuceal cusp. Is turned out first molar was distalized in both groups, but more rotation took place in control group than that in the experimental group. Conclusions Pendulum can distalize maxil lary first and second molars in patients with completely erupted second molar. The pendulum and straight wire technology can treat these patients successfully.
出处 《中华医学美学美容杂志》 2012年第2期81-85,共5页 Chinese Journal of Medical Aesthetics and Cosmetology
基金 2005年广州市卫生局科研立项资助项目(编号:2005YB-178)
关键词 安氏Ⅱ类错[牙合] 摆式矫治器 上颌第2磨牙 Angle class I] malocclusion: Pendulum Maxillary second molar
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