首先建立了采用任意浮动参考系时的柔性航天器动力学方程; 然后选择连体坐标系为浮动参考系, 解所得到的动力学方程的特征值问题, 得到整个航天器系统的系统模态。通过模态变换, 得到用连体系刚体位移和系统模态坐标表示的混合坐标航天器动力学方程。与通常采用部件模态得到的混合坐标动力学方程不同, 这时弹性运动方程中不存在来自刚体运动的惯性耦合项; 同时也和采用系统自由弹性模态不同, 这时刚体坐标直接反映航天器刚体运动。论文最后给出了两个算例。
The dynamic equations of flexible spacecraft are derived by introducing a moving coordinate frame.Choosing body frame as moving coordinate frame,the vehicle system modes are obtained by solving the eigenvalue problem of the derived dynamic equations.The hybrid coordinate dynamic equation are then acquired by describing deformation with system modes.It is noted that there is on inertial coupling from the rigid coordinate in the elastic equation and the rigid coordinate direct reflects the rigid motion of spacecraft in contrast to using free modes.Finally,two illustrative examples are given.
Chinese Space Science and Technology