The trademark opposition procedure is a procedure in which any natural person, legal entity or any other organisa- tion can present his or its views or opinions about a trade- mark applied for registration as published in the Trademark Gazette within the statutory time limit, and file requests for adjudication of the mark under opposition according to law. In the Chinese Trademark Law has been provided for the trademark opposition procedure for the public to make com- ments on trademarks applied for registration to facilitate su-pervision of Trademark Office's trademark right affirmation in a fair and open manner. In the second amendment to the Trademark Law as of 2001, a procedure for judicial review has been introduced in the trademark opposition procedure, in which a model of four-level examination/review of cases in- volving trademark opposition is put in place, namely, theTrademark Office's determination, Trademark Review and Adjudication Board's (TRAB) review and adjudication, trial court's decision and final decision by the court of appeal.
China Patents & Trademarks