对计算机图形显示中的一个复杂问题———隐藏线的消隐问题进行了研究。并结合信号分析中信号的三维图形显示问题 ,阐述了基于画家算法的图形快速消隐处理的三维图形生成方法。在此基础上 ,巧妙利用VC ++5 .0中的库函数 ,探讨了三维网格图的生成方法 ,并非常方便地实现了三维图形的拉伸、旋转。仿真实例表明该算法简单易行。
The problem on eliminating hidden lines,a complex one in computer graphic display,is studied. The hidden line eliminating algorithm of 3 D graphic based on the painter algorithm is explained by connecting the 3 D graphic display in signal analysis. And then it points out how to create 3 D mesh graphic. The stretch and rotating of 3 D graphic can be also easily realized by using function library of VC++5.0. It is found that this algorithm is simple and easy to deal with by the given example.
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