
Derived, still living cockroach genus Cariblattoides (Blattida: Blattellidae) from the Eocene sediments of Green River in Colorado, USA

Derived, still living cockroach genus Cariblattoides (Blattida: Blattellidae) from the Eocene sediments of Green River in Colorado, USA
摘要 Cariblattoides labandeirai sp.n. from the Eocene sediments of Green River in Colorado, USA bear only two plesiomorphies, but also several significant autapomorphies within the advanced and highly derived living cockroach genus. Thus, Cariblattoides with extant occurrence in the Caribbean and South America was historically common in the Nearctic, and represents important evidence for the occurrence of derived living genera of cockroaches -50 Ma ago. Generally, the vast majority of living genera were absent during the Palaeocene, thus the diversification of most living cockroach lineages near the Palaeocene/Eocene boundary must have been extremely rapid. Females of living C. suave, the type species, have identical (sophisticated) coloration ofpronotum, but the most related living taxa are C. piraiensis and C.fontesi from Brazil (supported by phylogenetical analysis). Cariblattoides labandeirai sp.n. from the Eocene sediments of Green River in Colorado, USA bear only two plesiomorphies, but also several significant autapomorphies within the advanced and highly derived living cockroach genus. Thus, Cariblattoides with extant occurrence in the Caribbean and South America was historically common in the Nearctic, and represents important evidence for the occurrence of derived living genera of cockroaches -50 Ma ago. Generally, the vast majority of living genera were absent during the Palaeocene, thus the diversification of most living cockroach lineages near the Palaeocene/Eocene boundary must have been extremely rapid. Females of living C. suave, the type species, have identical (sophisticated) coloration ofpronotum, but the most related living taxa are C. piraiensis and C.fontesi from Brazil (supported by phylogenetical analysis).
出处 《Insect Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第2期143-152,共10页 昆虫科学(英文版)
关键词 Blattida -- Blattaria = Blattodea Cariblattoides EOCENE fossil insects Green River Tertiary cockroaches Blattida -- Blattaria = Blattodea, Cariblattoides, Eocene, fossil insects,Green River, Tertiary cockroaches
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