
观察药物流产配合清宫术在基层的应用 被引量:3

摘要 目的:使用不同剂量的米非司酮及米索前列醇配合清宫术,在不同孕周终止妊娠中的应用。方法:收治自愿要求行药物流产配合清宫术终止妊娠的患者785例,对不同孕周的患者使用不同的药物剂量,进行不同的院外、院内治疗。结果:孕周≤7周的患者,378例阴道流血3天内干净,其余48例,阴道流血1周内干净,流血量均<50ml,无1例发生生殖器感染。孕周>7周≤12周患者,阴道流血30~80ml,阴道流血3~7天干净,无1例发生生殖器感染。孕周>12周≤16周的患者,虽然服药期间有轻微不适,但阴道流血均<150ml。同时流血在1周内干净,无1例发生生殖器感染。结论:药物流产配合清宫术在基层治疗早、中期终止妊娠是安全、可行的。 Objective:The purpose of using a different amounts of Mifeisitong and meters high alcohol in a palace of heavenly purity, in the weeks of pregnancy termination of the application. Methods : on january 2008 olympic volunteer for our hospital tremendously in december in line with the existence of magic pregnancy termination of the palace of heavenly purity 785 patient for medical treatment, for example, 142 of the week of patients using the medicine the dose in different the results of treatment,the court. Resuits: the weeks ≤ seven weeks, 378 of the eases have a vaginal bleeding within three days ,48 example, the bloody vaginal bleeding within 1 week, the quantity and are 〈 50ml ease,the genitals, the weeks of infection 〉 seven weeks ≤ 12 weeks after the patients, bloody vaginal 30 - 80 Have a vaginal bleeding three to seven days,there is no ex- ception, the weeks of infection in the genitals 〉 12weeks ≤ 16 of the week, during the medicine has a slight, but have a vaginalbleeding are 〈 15Oral. the bleeding in one week to clean and infection in the case, the genitals. Conclusion: the discussion with the existence of magic in the palace of heavenly purity treatment early, mid, pregnancy termination is safe and practicable.
出处 《中国社区医师(医学专业)》 2012年第10期158-159,共2页
关键词 药物流产 清宫术 应用 Drugs miscarriage Clear the palace art
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