
无线传感器网络拓扑的监控与维护 被引量:1

Topology monitoring and maintaining method for wireless sensor network
摘要 以ZigBee协议为基础,提出了一种新的无线传感器网络拓扑结构的监控和维护方法。创新性地设计了基于叶子节点的通讯模式,该模式运用协议栈自有运行流程来获取节点的加入或丢失信息、实现网络拓扑的监控,并通过设计一种基于关联表的链表式存储结构来进行动态网络拓扑的维护。经过在实际办公环境监控平台上验证表明,该方法数据传输量小,资源占用少,操作简便,具有较强的应用推广价值。 This paper proposes a new wireless sensor network topology monitoring and maintenance methods based on ZigBee stack. An innovative scheme to monitor the network topology is designed in order to get a node's joining or losting information with the protocol stack's own process, which uses leaf nodes' communication. The paper also designs a chain storage structure based on the associated list for maintaining dynamic network topology. Experiment on the actual office environment monitoring platform shows that the method costs small amount of data transfer, consumes little resources with easy operation, which is valuable to apply.
出处 《物联网技术》 2012年第4期32-37,共6页 Internet of things technologies
基金 "新一代宽带移动通讯"国家重大专项(信息汇聚传感器网络综合测试与验证评估环境<网络融合> 2011ZX03005-001)
关键词 无线传感器网络 ZIGBEE 拓扑结构 监控与维护 Wireless Sensor Network ZigBee Topology Monitoring and Maintenance
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